
Thumbnail for About pageI am Felipe Gomes, 23, and recently graduated at Computer Engineering at the Computer Science dept. (ICMC) from University of São Paulo (USP), in the nice city of São Carlos (Brazil), a tech-minded city covered by two important universities (USP and UFSCar).

I live for computer science. My interests range in a wild variety of subjects, including, but not limited to, app and web development using open standards and languages; successful open source initiatives; usability and human-computer interactions; social aspects of the web; digital inclusion in communities.

Since the beginning of this year, I’ve been working at Mozilla to help build the next version of Firefox. Some of the projects I’m involved are: everything related to the multitouch API and its features that will be part of Firefox 4; I’m also working on Jetpack (the new add-on builder), as well as various other small projects.

I also did scientific research in my computer science department, were I worked with Natural Language Processing, specially involving Machine Translation, and developed a full featured online tool for translation assistance, in a project which involved the use of a wide range of linguistic tools built in different open source and open standard environments, including PHP, Perl, MySQL and XML.

If you want to get in touch, feel free to contact me at felipc [at] gmail [dot] com

(outdated links)
Here is my resumé: Felipe Gomes

Here is my LinkedIn profile: Felipe Gomes

And my whoisi timeline: Felipe Gomes